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My Bikini Belly Pdf Free Download

Shawna Kaminski's My Bikini Belly Review

My Bikini Belly is a comprehensive guide designed specifically for women over the age of 35 who are looking for sustainable weight loss. No, there's no need to do some voodoo spell, pop magic pills, wear a weird contraption on your stomach or any of that other nonsense that clearly aren't the answers to finally getting the health, body, and fitness of your dreams. Now, I know you've heard it all before but let me reassure you, My Bikini Belly isn't some get-fit-fast program. Instead, it's all about turning off your menopause molecules to reactivate your body's youthful fat burning capabilities. Intrigued? As was I! Here's what I discovered when I put this program to the test.


  • 1 What is My Bikini Belly Program About?
  • 2 Who is the Creator of My Bikini Belly
  • 3 Quick Summary of My Bikini Belly Program
    • 3.1 Phase One: The Flush
    • 3.2 Phase Two: The Burn
    • 3.3 Phase Three: The Blast
  • 4 The Verdict

What is My Bikini Belly Program About?

While other weight loss systems are about eating nothing more than carrots and working out relentlessly on a treadmill for hours upon hours each week, My Bikini Belly is taking an entirely different approach. This unique online program is designed for women over the age of 35 and its tailored towards taking specific steps to turn off the menopause molecule, so your body stops storing excessive amounts of stubborn fat.

Just think about it for a moment – almost every woman can relate to being able to eat whatever they wanted when they were younger only to find themselves gaining weight just by thinking about food as soon as they reach their late thirties. What's worse is that it's something we all excuse as being nothing more than getting older and metabolism slowing down. However, it isn't something you have to accept because all you have to do to keep your health and body youthful to turn off the menopause gene in your DNA.

Yes, it does require you to exercise regularly as this is the fastest way to lose stubborn belly fat, but what may surprise you is that there are "wrong" types of exercise that can actually have a reverse effect on your body once you hit menopause. These "bad" workouts can dramatically boost your menopause genes in the belly which can result in a bigger stomach the more you work out. That's also not to mention that you don't have to work out for long nor do you have to bust out intense cardio sessions. You just have to work out smarter and specific to your body and all the hormones that come with menopause.

This program teaches you quite the opposite. It's a comprehensive online workout system complete with movements designed specifically for your age. It shows you how to work out smarter and not necessarily harder, and requires as little as a couple of minutes a day to harness the benefits.

My Bikini Belly Exercise Videos
Preview of My Bikini Belly's Exercise Videos section

But how does it work, you ask?

It's a 3-step formula that involves:

  1. Switching off the menopause molecules
  2. Turning on your body's belly-reducing hormones
  3. Cranking up your metabolism

By completing short sequences of specific movements, you're able to match your workout with your hormonal state, creating a work out regime that works with your body and everything that comes with it once you reach 35.

My Bikini Belly is broken down into three phases to ensure an easy and enjoyable experience, and it comes with many others to create a truly comprehensive and unique system that you'll never get tired of. They take only a couple of minutes to complete each day and will boost your body's belly fat burning capabilities for the next 24 hours, even after rest.

The best part? It's all online, so you don't have to wait or pay for shipping. You simply download My Bikini Belly onto the tech device of your choice and get started. This is an excellent feature as it allows you to complete the unique regime whenever and wherever you go or want to workout.

Who is the Creator of My Bikini Belly

Shawna Kaminski is the creator of My Bikini Belly. She has spent the last 25 years helping thousands of women get back into youthful shape. Shawna has worked alongside some of the world's leading fat loss and anti-aging experts, and the secrets she learned what you'll find infused in the program.

Quick Summary of My Bikini Belly Program

It's safe to say that you receive a lot when you start the My Bikini Belly, but not so much that it's overwhelming. Instead, everything is broken down into easy-to-follow sections that allow you to progress through the system confidently and comfortably gradually. Here's a sneak peek at the 3-phase workout regime and everything that comes with it:

Phase One: The Flush

The first work out phase is all about triggering your lower belly fat by using unique belly fat movements that light up your metabolism.

bikini body workout

Phase Two: The Burn

The second phase is all about turning on your lean belly hormone which strips away stubborn belly fat to start toning your tummy. The method in this phase helps trigger anti-aging hormones which helps give you that youthful glow.

Phase Three: The Blast

The third phase is all about cranking up your metabolism so your body will keep burning fat for up to 24 hours afterward.

All of this is provided in a written quick start guide and an exercise library manual, along with extra tips and instructions for finding success with the program now and moving forward. This is also where you'll find weight and measurement charts, workout suggestions to add into the regime as your fitness level improves, and much more. You can also choose to complete the workouts with the videos provided.

The Verdict

What may surprise you is that the benefits of My Bikini Belly don't start or end at your tummy. In addition to working away stubborn belly fat, this online workout system unleashes age-reversing hormones that smooth wrinkles, thicken your hair, encourage nail growth and bring forth all the youthful elements of your younger days.  It's a workout system that adds a youthful glow to your entire lifestyle. Add in the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee that you receive when you start the program, and you can't go wrong! The only thing you have to lose is all those menopause hormones that have you bogged down.  So, if you're ready to work out smarter and not harder, then it's time to try a work out regime that's designed specifically for women just like you.

Download Shawna Kaminski's My Bikini Belly PDF

Originally posted 2018-08-11 13:32:37.

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